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In a road mortality survey conducted across Florida, multiple snake species are among the roadkill, including common species like garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) and Dekay’s brownsnakes (Storeria dekayi) as well as rarely seen species like rainbow snakes (Farancia erytrogramma) and mole kingsnakes (Lampropeltis occipitolineata). All individuals with suspected disease symptoms are adults and symptoms seem similar in all species. Dead snakes with similar symptoms are found in every region in Florida.


Map of Florida showing four geographical regions

Smith (2005)

This information cost you 1 week  (in NetLogo, click “Advance 1 Week”) and $5000, so adjust your budget accordingly.  What do want to do next?

Option 1: Do a quick histological analysis in the lab to determine if a parasite, pathogen, or contaminant is causing the observed symptoms.

Time Cost: 1 Week/Tick

Monetary Cost: $5000

Charisma Effect: Unknown

Option 2: Send samples from symptomatic snakes to the U.S. Wildlife Health Center for genetic testing to see if a pathogen can be identified.

Time Cost: 1 Week/Tick

Monetary Cost: $5000

Charisma Effect: Unknown

Option 3: You’re pretty sure this is just a new outbreak of a previously known pathogen, so you skip further diagnostic testing and move on to disease control options.

Time Cost: 1 Week/Tick

Monetary Cost: $0

Charisma Effect: Unknown

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